Local Flood in Noah’s Day?
During a debate, a young-earth Creationist once asked an old-earth Creationist, “Do you believe in a global Flood?” The old-earth Creationist responded, “I believe in a universal Flood.” “What do you mean by ‘universal’ Flood?” the young-earth Creationist asked. The old-earth Creationist replied, “It flooded Noah’s little universe – You know, the valley that he lived in.” To which the young-earth Creationist responded, “Then tell Noah to move!” Does the Bible favor a “local” flood or a global flood? Here are a few points to consider: The Bible indicates that the mountains arose, and the valleys sank down (Ps 104:5-9 ; Genesis 8:3-8), so the mountains were smaller until after the Flood. This means that the valleys in existence before the Flood were probably not very big either. How then could there be such a thing as a “local” flood? If that were the case, it would be more like a small lake, not a flood! Another point is that, if the earth’s surface were smooth, the water in th...