Inspiring Story: An Unsung Heroine
For today's Inspiring Story, I will try to keep it short and sweet. Although I think the story I will present is inspiring in and of itself, I wanted to share a few related things that will make it even more inspiring (well, it did for me, anyway). So here goes... Today, we focus on Irena Sendlerowa. She was a Polish woman who worked as a social worker for the Nazis during the 1900s, when Hitler was having his "reign." As social worker to the Warsaw Ghetto, she made it her job to rescue as many Jewish children as she could! She knew that if they remained there, they would all be killed by the Nazis. And rescue them, she did! Armed with a tool box and a trunk, she would smuggle children out of the prison; the smaller children were placed in a tool box, and the larger children were placed in the trunk. She managed to evade the Nazi guards detection by using her trusty dog as a cover; whenever a Nazi guard came near, her dog was trained to bark! This created some frustratio...