
Showing posts from January, 2011

Sunday Quote: Principle Hill on the Resurrection

You must suppose that twelve men of mean birth, of no education, living in that humble station which placed ambitious views out of their reach and far from their thoughts, without any aid from the state, formed the noblest scheme which ever entered into the mind of man, adopted the most daring means of executing that scheme, conducted it with such address as to conceal the imposture under the semblance of simplicity and virtue. You must suppose, also, that men guilty of blasphemy and falsehood, united in an attempt the best contrived, and which has in fact proved successful for making the world virtuous; that they formed this single enterprise without seeking any advantage to themselves, with an avowed contempt of loss and profit, and with the certain expectation of scorn and persecution; that although conscious of one another's villainy, none of them ever thought of providing for his own security by disclosing the fraud, but that amidst sufferings the most grievous to flesh and bl...

Seekers of Truth

A new video is in the works entitled "Seekers of Truth." In this upcoming documentary, Sean McDowell takes "22 high school students [on] a mission trip to Salt Lake City, Utah" where they dig into the religion of Mormonism vs. Christianity. I am super excited about this, having read a few books exposing Mormonism (and of course, being a big fan of the McDowells); and judging from the trailer, it looks like it will be awesome! Check it out:

Food For Thought: Islam or Christianity?

Ever heard the saying, "Many (or All) roads lead to God"? With so many religions claiming to be the way, how can we know that Christianity is the right one? Apart from the Bible (which I do believe is the starting point; Jesus said, "I am the WAY..."), it helps to examine other religions. For example, by comparing them to Christianity and cross examining them in other ways based on evidence, we can determine who is right and who is wrong. Today, I'd like to present one piece of food for thought on Islam. Keep in mind that this is just ONE of many things I could point out (and probably will as time goes on)... Please also peruse any links, since they document the claims being presented. ----------- When Christians say that the Bible is reliable, Muslims often say that the Bible is full of errors; therefore, it was necessary for God to bring forth a "second" revelation of Himself: The Qu'ran. There is much to be said about this. For example, if th...

Inspiring Story: Hope Amidst Abortion?

Today marks the 38th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade case which legalized abortion in America. I have never really talked about abortion on this blog before, but today, I make an exception. I believe that abortion is wrong; the Bible says that life is precious -- it is sacred. Too many women have been lied to when they walk into an abortion clinic. They are told that it is just a harmless procedure, and that "it's just a fetus." Excuse me, but "fetus" is Latin for "baby"; yet abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood are making millions of American tax dollars off of this lie! But often, the women who enter such clinics are scared, and they think that having an abortion will alleviate all of their problems. However, the psychological effects of such an action are enormous, as any woman who has experienced an abortion will tell you. That being said, I also believe that if any woman reading this has had an abortion (or is contemplating having one), there...

Food For Thought: Joseph Smith the Prophet?

Ever heard the saying, "Many roads lead to God"? With so many religions claiming to be  the way, how can we know that Christianity is the right one? Apart from the Bible (which I do believe is the starting point Jesus said, "I am the WAY..."), it helps to examine other religions. For example, by comparing them to Christianity and cross examining them in other ways based on evidence, we can determine who is right and who is wrong. Today, I'd like to present one piece of food for thought on Mormonism. Keep in mind that this is just ONE of many things I could point out (and probably will as time goes on)... Please also peruse the links, since they document the claims being presented. -------------- Did You Know... As Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith is touted as a Prophet through whom God revealed His "laws, ordinances, and gospel." Joseph Smith made many prophecies in the Name of God, so was He really speaking what God was leading Him to speak?...

Sunday Quote: Ronald R. West on the Fossil Record

"Contrary to what most scientists write, the fossil record does not support the Darwinian theory of evolution because it is this theory (there are several) which we use to interpret the fossil record. By doing so we are guilty of circular reasoning if we then say the fossil record supports this theory." ~ Ronald R. West, assistant Professor of Paleobiology at Kansas State University (1968)

Do the Right Thing?

Can we be good without God? Apologetics speaker and trainer Mikel Del Rosario takes a look at this question in the following guest post. ---------- Do the Right Thing? Guest post by Mikel Del Rosario Driving from Sacramento to the Bay Area, I saw a billboard that read, "Are you good without God? Millions Are." Apparently, a theistic tagger added the words, "Also Lost?" at the end of the message. Now, I think the original question probably meant, "Do you feel comfortable without a belief in God? Millions feel the same way." Kind of like if you offer someone a drink, and they go, "No, thanks. I'm good." But that got me thinking, "Can't people be good without God?" I mean, could an atheist do a bunch of good deeds without God? If we mean "doing the right thing while not believing in God," then sure. An atheist could do the right thing in any given circumstance. She could honestly report her incom...

Adam or Apes: A Comic That Explains It All...

In a nutshell, this comic demonstrates the two worldviews that are prevalent in today's society - Creation and Evolution - and where each one leads. As you can see, you can't have both - theistic evolution just doesn't work !   Comic courtesy of: Answers In Genesis Online Bible Program

Inspiring Story: Saad's Story

It's time for another Inspiring Story. This week, I'd like to share Saad's story. "Saad" is a fifteen-year-old Pakistani who now resides in Florida. For the first few years of his life, he resided in Pakistan -- a predominately Muslim country -- with his Muslim family, until their move to the United States in 1997. The next decade brought with it many changes such as adjusting to American society, making new friends, and watching his mother battle breast cancer. All of these things prompted various emotions and questions that Saad had no answers for. April 16, 2010 is a day that Saad will never forget. He describes it as follows: The world was marked between AD and BC, and now it would mark on April 16th, the most important day of my life. I wonder if I hadn't done anything on that day, would my life be as crazy as it is now? Who knows? Anyways, it was a chat on Facebook, and I just thought I'd talk to Robert for a second. I wish I could have copy and ...

Featured site: Cross Examined

Recently, I was introduced to Frank Turek and his awesome ministry called Cross Examined . I had been reading his book when I heard one of the ministry's  radio programs . Below is a video clip of what Cross Examined is all about. Take a look...                         Frank is known for his book, "I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist," and he travels the country teaching on the subject. Below is a small sample of how he does it... definitely some good food-for-thought:                       

The "Good Person" Test...

How do you know if you're a good person? This cute, but powerful, video shows how. It's so simple that even a child can understand it!                      Video courtesy of The Way of the Master

And They Tell Us America's Founders Weren't Christian...

"I have examined all religions, as well as my narrow sphere, my straightened means, and my busy life, would allow; and the result is that the Bible is the best Book in the world. It contains more philosophy than all the libraries I have seen." (Second President of the U.S., December 25, 1813 letter to Thomas Jefferson) Have our Presidents maintained this over the past years? Judge for yourself: Where has America's faith gone?

Top 10 Most Popular Posts

Here are the DCF blog's top 10 posts of all time (from May 2010 - January 2011) in order of most popular to least popular. Beside each, I have provided a description of the contents. I am aware that a few of these were mentioned in my last post, but those were my favorites; these are YOUR favorites... Enjoy! ----------- 1) Inspiring Story: Dr. Kent Hovind - This is an essay on the Godly character of young-earth-creationist Dr.Kent Hovind. I'm not surprised at all that this made it to the top, since this post generated a lot of comments and traffic (845 searches for "Kent Hovind update," and 44 searches for "Kent Hovind Update 2010"; 914 total pageviews)! I'm grateful to each person who took the time to write a comment in support of Dr. Hovind. 2) Did Pontius Pilate actually exist? - In this post, learn about a remarkable archeaological find that proves that Pontius Pilate exists, lending support to even the small details in the Bible. 3)  Kent H...