Education in America

This man, and his brainless, spineless acolytes did more to destroy American indpendence of mind than any other single person in our history. -- Dougmcr8, Springfield, VA Amen, Douggmcr8! I want Dewey to explain to me just why, in a nation that was founded on the premise of moral INDEPENDENCE, we should be concerned that our "collective society" isn't becoming "interdependent." The only thing history has ever witnessed in an "interdependent" society is Tyranny. -- Anonymous Probably wholly out of context! -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US This is progressive education? More like regressive education. -- Anon Waffler never dissapoints. This quote is NOT out of context and is totally consistant with Deweys' beliefs. We wouldn't want people thinking for themselves, now would we. That would be dangerous to our socialist state. -- jim k, austin I thought these were suppose to be "LIBERTY" Quotes? -- Michelle, Chippewa Falls Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. -- Bryan Morton, Stuart, Florida Michelle, these are liberty quotes. Dewey and his gang were not for liberty, only conformity. -- jim k, austin This from the architect of the US education system! It's even worse now. -- E Archer, NYC Dewey was a Marxist of the highest degree. I read a biography on him and he admired Stalin, of all people. Considering that little fact, and the condition of our public schools thanks to Dewey's influence, this statement does not surprise me at all. -- KrlyQ, Irving, TX I was going to try and rate this 100 times with 5 stars each because of the statement's accuracy. I decided to give it a thumbs down because of its application. Elimination of the independent freeman's free, higher, creative,and truly progressive thought by the collective is, and will be suffered far beyond today's heinous results. -- Mike, Norwalk Dewey decimal system. He apparently saw little difference between children and the books on a shelf. This man is responsible in large part for the present public school system. This is the perfect quote to explain how the public education professionals think. -- warren, olathe Wow! we all agree (with the quote that is) -- RBESRQ Spoken like a true progressive. It gives me hope that I didn't see rows of little yellow stars following the quote. -- Ken, Allyn, WA Typical Dewey garbage!!! It's frightening to know how much influence this man had and continues to have on public education. -- Nancy, Lancaster I quite agree. And combining compulsory education with centralised media ownership means that young minds will inevitably be corporate ones. -- Rupert Murdoch, New York Got a source for this "quote"? Of course not. People who READ what they QUOTE might become critical thinkers in the model Dewey proposed, rather than automatons of a conformist society. Don't believe everything you read. -- Hank Smith, Boston I think everyone needs to read Dewey and not form lazy judgments about his educational philosophy until they do. The books are nuanced, require some previous knowledge--and they will take you a while. Grab some tea (or Starbucks, depending upon your capitalistic sensibilities). Progressive education hasn't worked, 'tis true. That's because it has never been tried. The factory model is in full force--and entrenched by NCLB. This deeply embedded misunderstanding (revealed by the emotion on this board) does not make me angry; it makes me sad. Perhaps the consolidated media should indeed take the blame--for the gross misinformation and lack of understanding here. Shame. -- Anonymous, Dallas some of these responses are more telling of the failures of the education system than Dewey's proposed system itself. Are you basing your statements on just this one quick quote, or have most of you actually read any of Dewey's books? Uh, Dewey Decimal System? Sorry, wrong guy. -- Dallasisright, Cincinnati
Psychology would provide the "scientific" tools for that transition. Dewey -- who equated individual thinking with insanity -- had begun experiments with behavioral psychology even before 1900. Half a century later, B.F. Skinner outlined the practical steps to behavioral control. "Operant conditioning shapes behavior as a sculptor shapes a lump of clay," he wrote in Science and Human Behavior (1953). His goal for the human "clay" was no secret. Five years earlier, he had exposed his vision of a reshaped humanity: "What was needed was a new conception of man, compatible with our scientific knowledge," he wrote in Walden Two. (1948) Charlotte Iserbyt. Like their Soviet counterparts, who also envisioned "scientifically" engineered human prototype (the "new Soviet man"), these revolutionaries knew well that their biggest obstacle would be Christianity. Therefore their main assault would be directed at the uncompromising truths of the Bible. Trust and loyalty to God must be replaced by loyalty and submission to the greater whole -- the collective global village -- represented by a Marxist-oriented world government. Their goals and tactics haven't changed. Take religion. Back in 1933, John Dewey co-authored the first Humanist Manifesto which called for a new world religion: "...a synthesizing and dynamic force for today must be shaped for the needs of this age. To establish such a religion is a major necessity of the present." They have come a long way. Today, Christianity is banned from our government schools. Instead, students are immersed in the new global spirituality -- a contemporary, idealistic blend of all religions -- through classroom myths, rituals, symbols and multicultural experiences. This new spiritual synthesis has been adapted to fit the amoral, religious standards outlined by UNESCO's Declaration on the role of religion in a culture of peace and Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.
John Dewey “was a leading proponent of the American school of thought known as ‘pragmatism’.” The adherents of this philosophy “claim that an ideology or proposition is true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that unpractical ideas are to be rejected.” Mr. Dewey was also a co-signatory to the first Humanist Manifesto in 1933. According to Mr. DeArmond, the “Deweyites preached that education should be made a pleasant diversion for the students instead of an onerous task.” Additionally, Emphasis away from the essential skills — the three R’s — allowed young minds to grow up in a wilderness of weeds. Old-fashioned teachers had insisted on the value of discipline, both mental and moral. When discipline as an educational cornerstone was abandoned, the drill feature was taken out of education. But it turned out that without drilling the average student did not learn to read, write, spell, or figure with facility.... But there was an even more dangerous aspect to the “progressive” movement. Along with their revolutionary methods of teaching, the Frontier Thinkers coupled strongly socialist or collectivist ideas.... But there was an even more dangerous aspect to the "progressive" movement. Along with their revolutionary methods of teaching, the Frontier Thinkers coupled strongly socialist or collectivist ideas. At a meeting held at Teachers College, Columbia University, in 1933 .... Plans for a new curriculum and a new policy of indoctrination in the classroom were evolved. Social studies were to be the propaganda vehicle, the medium for the new short cut to implant "social consciousness" in pupils. Instead of the disciplines of biology, physics, and chemistry, a mongrel subject called "general science" took its place on the curriculum. Civil government, economics, and history also fell before the onslaught..... "I believe we can work with the Communists and at other times with the socialists," Dr. Newlon [a member of the Frontier Thinkers] suggested..... The group then penetrated the previously conservative National Education Association.... [T]he British radical Socialist Harold Laski congratulated the organization on its educational program for a socialistic America. "It could be implemented in a society only where socialism was the accepted way of life," he said, "for it is a direct criticism of the ideas that have shaped capitalistic America."
Wow, that's a lot of good info to consider. Did you post your reply, and what sort of responses did you get?
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To answer you question - I actually forgot... I've been working on another project lately, so my mind has been elsewhere. Thanks for the reminder; I'll go put it up right now, and I'll let you know what kind of responses it generates! This should be interesting... ;)