And The Award Goes To...
My good friend, Renee, has awarded my blog with the Sunshine Award (my 2nd award -- and my buddy, The Brickster has also given me this award)! THANK YOU, RENEE AND BRICKSTER! This award is given to those who brighten the day of the receiver; the rules state that he/she is to pass it along to 12 others. So, here are my top 12. (And to the guys: I hope you won't mind that I'm giving you a "flowery" award, but your blogs really do make my day; hope you like it!)
1. Ron @ The Old Geezer - a fun blog full of humor with a moral. This blog definately brightens my day!
2. Brian @ Apologetics 315 - This blog is full of information on Christian apologetics, including reviews, audio clips, and links to other apologetics sites. Whatever information you're looking for in the area of apologetics, Brian will probably have it. Brian has been following my blog since day one, and that makes me smile; hence, I award his blog. Hope you like it, Brian! ;)
3. AL @ S.O.W.E.R - Standing for "Saints Of the Way Evangelizing to Repentance," AL's blog not only speaks out on important issues of Christianity, but he also reaches the lost Ray-Comfort style. I enjoy reading his blog, and his comments brighten my day!
4. Ruth @ Underneath His Wrapping - This is a sweet blog run by a very sweet lady! :D Her blog is a mixture of daily life, Scripture, and fun. Her comments make me smile. (Ruth, I hope you don't mind receiving yet another award, but you deserve it!)
5. Sam @ Rise By Falling - Sam's blog is special to me personally, because she talks about the daily struggles that accompany Christianity; she shows how trusting the Lord can seem hard, but she reveals how the Lord has helped her through every circumstance. I appreciate the realness of her blog.
6. Danika Jordan Alicia @ Catalyst - This is another great blog. Like Sam's blog, Faith Catalyst is the thoughts of a young woman who is digging deep into the issues. Both she and Sam show that when God speaks, it's important to listen. I found her blog to be both inspiring and encouraging.
7. The Petersons @ The Petersons on China - This is the blog of a missionary couple to China! I love missionaries and the work that they do for the Lord. I just recently discovered this blog, and I instantly loved it! Journey with the Peters as they portray life in China, as well as life for them on their vacations to the US!
8. Persecution Blog - This is the official blog of The Voice of the Martrys. I don't think it needs much explaination, because, if you know me, you know that I'm BIG on talking about religious persection. On this blog, you can find out all the latest on the topic, as well as what you can do to help.
9. Secret Believers blog - A few months ago, I read the book Secret Believers by Brother Andrew. I LOVED this book, because it so spoke to my heart and showed me what persecution is really like and how the Christians are so commited to God inspite of it. Well, this blog features the writings of three of the "characters" (who are representative of real people)! If you want a first-hand look at persecution and you are looking for a good challenge, read this blog!
10. Sam @ Through Different Eyes - Sam (yes, the same one as above!) posts pictures and Scriptures in a campaign to take 365 pictures in a year! This blog has inspired me to be a little more creative with my own photography.
11. Mary Jo Sharp @ Confident Christianity - This is another apologetics blog, which I award because I found it when I was first starting out; Mary is a tremendous inspiration to me, because I learned that at the time, woman apologists were "scarce." Also, she has done several debates and webinars and is currently writing her first book. Check out her blog!
12. Pastor Tullian @ On Earth As It Is In Heaven - Tullian is the pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauterdale, FL. I have always loved James Kennedy, so when Pastor Tullian took his place, I immediately loved him, as well. Not only is he encouraging, but he also brings a "freshness" to the table as a part of the "younger" generation (or rather, because he can identify with them). He has recently written his second book entitled, "Surprised By Grace." Please visit his blog!
So there you have it: My nominees for the Sunshine Award! Congratulations, everyone! I love each and every one of your blogs!

Dear Miss Szymanski, i'm so honored that you would share this award with me..:) Thanks s ton!!
ReplyDeleteI will post this as soon as i can... been pretty busy lately. Thanks for visiting me and ALWAYS leaving me the sweetest comment!!
Underneath His Wrapping