Friday Apologetics Finds

If you're like me, you devour apologetics material (or, at least you look for material that will bolster your faith). Every week, I find a small collection of apologetics material -- be it articles, audio/podcasts, downloads, etc. -- that I would like to start sharing with my readers in hopes that it will provide you with information to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15).

So here are this week's picks:

Apologetics: Does God Exist? - featuring a number of articles on the subject including some articles and videos by Dr. William Lane Craig

Greg Koukl Offers Eight Tips on Witnessing

9 Points for Preaching on the Problem of Evil by Norman Geisler (You can also read an excerpt from his book "If God, Why Evil?" here.)

And lastly, I wanted to share a little frugal tip with all you bookworms out there: When looking to purchase a book, never underestimate your local bargain outlet stores. Normally, some books can run as high as $20.00, but you can find them at really cheap prices and in great condition if you keep your eyes open. Using this tip, I've found several apologetics books for as low as $5.00! Here are some of my finds for an approximate total of $16.00:

Due to the overwhelming amount of apologetics material being put forth almost daily, I cannot guarantee that I will cover everything in a single post. However, it is my objective to present a small handful of material to you, my readers, bi-weekly. If you know of some apologetics material that you would like to see presented here in the future, you can contact me using the corresponding tab above (Note: please do not leave these links in the comments, as I will have to review the material before publishing; please contact me via email. Thanks.)

Until next time, happy Friday! :)


  1. This is definitely a good list. I'd like to read, Out Of Mormonism. That looks good.

    I saw that you entered the contest to win a copy of my ebook, How I Forgave My Molester, at A Glimpse of Beautiful. Would you like a free copy to review? Let me know! It's a quick read.

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  2. Great idea, Miss Szy! William Lane Craig is great, and I love the authors in the books you photographed as well. /agree with melindatoad--Out of Mormonism looks interesting.

    I love reading apologetics books, but I also think it's important to read and listen to people saying why they *don't* believe as well, so we can know what nonbelievers actually think!

  3. Miss S,
    Great job on pointing out the bargain books. Unless it's something I've been holding my breath for (which happens more often as of late), I will be patient for several months and you will find it marked down or on the bargain rack. Not just paperbacks, but nice hardback volumes also. Example: I'd wanted the Bonhoeffer biography since it first came out, but I wiated several months and got it on sale for 50% of the original $30 price. Not to mention, my library is full of great books that I paid less than $10 dollars for off the bargain rack at Mardel. Keep up the great work.

    Greg West

  4. Miss S, did you get a chance to read the love story on our blog? We posted part 5 yesterday. Just in case, here's the link to part 1... we'd love to know what you think:

    ~Don & Shelly~


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