DVD Review: Is The Bible Reliable

I was first introduced to The Truth Project's new series "True U" when I saw "The Toughest Test in College" documentary -- the first in the series. Needless to say, I was very impressed. This second installment -- Is The Bible Reliable? -- was no less disappointing. In classroom setting, Dr. Stephen Meyer confidently teaches students why we can trust that our Bible is reliable. 

The synopsis of Is The Bible Reliable? is as follows:

Who is God, and how can we know Him? The Bible claims to be the direct revelation of our Creator. So if the biblical record is true, it is a primary means by which the God of the universe has revealed Himself to mankind. However, if it can be proved false, then the God of whom it speaks is simply one more pretender in the assembly of gods that man has created.  In Is The Bible Reliable? Dr. Stephen Meyer challenges you to examine the historical and archaeological evidence to determine for yourself the veracity and accuracy of Scripture. Is the Bible true? You decide.

In this package, which includes two DVDs, you will learn the following:

Disc 1:
1) The Patriarchal Narratives and the Documentary Hypothesis
2) The Exodus: From Egypt to Canaan
3) The Israelite Conquest
4) The United Kingdom of David and Solomon
5) Historicity of the Old Testament: A Tale of Two Conquests

Disc 2:
6) The Babylonian Conquest of Judah
7) Canons of Historicity: The New Testament
8) Early Composition of Luke and Acts
9) External Corroboration
10) The Trial of Jesus

Also included is a discussion guide to be used in conjunction with the DVDs. 

- Questions to help facilitate group discussion
- Creative exercises to help participants gain a greater understanding of the subject matter
- Sidebars with background information to expand on the DVD content

Some of the highlights were the humorous cartoons in the discussion guide which help to support the subject matter. Also, before and after each lesson, I was delighted to see Dave Stotts from the Drive Through History series as he shares a few words on the Bible's importance in congruence with the topic at hand in each lesson! I was also fascinated by the section on archaeology which supports the Bible.

Overall, I really enjoyed Is The Bible Reliable? With a great teacher, excellent slide presentation graphics, and a discussion guide to ease following along, this series is sure to keep your interest as you learn about the reliability of the Bible. I highly recommend this series to everyone, and I think it does a good job of fulfilling its purpose: "You will be equipped to defend your faith and become a world changer in an increasingly hostile culture."

This review is courtesy of Renee at A Glimpse of Beautiful.


  1. Excellent review!!!  I love these DVDs!!!  :)

  2. I wonder if this will be available at the local libraries. I would love to see it. Thanks for the info on it!

  3. I read this review and watched the promo but didn't comment! But now I am. :) This looks like a great product; the topic divisions also make it look very accessible. Great review! Would love to check it out!


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